Saturday, October 26, 2013

"Bring life to this gentle, neglected place. No, merely join the life that was here, unmistakably, in the ruin and desecration." - The Beloved Invader

They started by teaching them an English worship song- "I've got joy, I've got joy, Rivers of living water in my soul. I've got joy, I've got joy, I've got my name written in the book of life, Got my name written in the book of life, Hallelujah."

Some of the kids at the orphanage we have been visiting on Saturday mornings joined in with our hand motions. A vision team from Holland was visiting the ship for the week and had come with us that morning to sing for the kids.

We tried the song in French. With half of us singing in English and half trying to learn a new song in French, well you can imagine how that went.

They performed "To Make You Feel My Love"; the children politely listened, but they were starting to stir in their chairs.

Maybe one of the children wanted to come up and sing a song for us? With a little bit of encouragement, one of the girls stood up in front of us all. She began to sing. Another boy had run inside and returned with his djembe and begun to drum, with that innate skill and rhythm all our African friends are blessed with.

The guitarist from Holland, gifted with an ear to add harmony to her melody, joined in. She glanced at him quickly but continued her song. When she was finished, she was loudly applauded, maybe for the first time in her life.

They were eager to perform after that, each hesitating only a moment before jumping up to take center stage.

"Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh- the lion sleeps tonight"

A girl named Smith began her song and I leaned back to listen to another off-key French song. It took me a moment, but instead I heard in broken English-

"Alleluia. Alleluia. Holy, holy, are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are holy

We listened for a moment, then we joined in her singing. For that is what we are doing here. Joining in their singing, joining in their games, their dancing, their play, their worship. Joining with the Father to show them love He longs for all of His children to know.


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